Brenda Vanasse

Brenda Vanasse's Fundraiser

5 Days Left


With your support and donation together we can fight this disease and help those with parkinson's to confinue to fight this disese. We can do this with our help and one step at a time.


$0 towards $500

I was diagnoised with Parkinson's 12 years ago. Your donation today will help support the Beat Parkinson's Today organization and the exercise program that saved my life. For the past 10 years I have been a member of BPD and I excersie 3 to 4 times a week at our gym in East Hartford, CT. There we do a high intensity workout, which helps with our balance, coordination, endurance, and so much more. Your work hard but what a sense of accomplihsment you feel when you leave the gym. There's no judgement when you walk through those doors and you feel like your're at home with family. It's a safe and comfortable environment and we're all there to help each other.

We have to fight this fight together and with your help we can accomplish that. Your donation today will help us to get there. Research has proven that exercising helps to slow the progression of the disease. I not only believe that but I am proof that it does works. Your donation will also enable the program to expand new classes, pay trainers, buy new equipmem and provide scholorships to those struggling.

Your donation is extremely importat and critical for those that have Parkinsons. Every dollar helps us to get to the end result...finding a cure.

Thank you to everyone for your support